
A great many people have assisted me along the zig-zag path that led to this storyworld. I have been working on interactive storytelling for thirty years now, and I'll likely forget some of the people who inspired, assisted, or created material for my work. Here is a list of those whom I can remember.

Laura Mixon

Laura Mixon, who played a major role as my creative partner in the early years of my work on interactive storytelling.

Dave Walker

Dave Walker, who played a major role writing software, helped me understand persnickety technologies, and served as a sounding board for thirty years.

Facundo Dominguez

Facundo Dominguez, who wrote some absolutely brilliant software for the Storytron project leading up to Le Morte D'Arthur.

Alvaro Gonzalez

Alvaro Gonzalez, who created loads of artwork for the Siboot project

Louis Dargin

Louis Dargin, who wrote plenty of supporting software.

Chris Conley

Chris Conley, who participated in the development of the Siboot project.

Luc Toupense

Luc Tupense, who designed the icons for the symbolic language used in Siboot.

Laia Bee

Laia Bee, who contributed to the design of Siboot.

Craig Maloney

Craig Maloney, who made especially generous contributions to the artwork fund.

These people all contributed money to purchase artwork:

Christian Chartrier

Jordan Magnuson

Michael Samyn

Hugh Fisher

"Super L"

Mark Deere

Patrick Dugan

Benjamin Lau

Pete Papavaselio

Andrew Soderberg

Wolfgang Klinghammer

And finally, the brilliant Brazilian artist who made so many of the beautiful illustrations: Shecr0W