This group of pages will document the computer system I built for KimTanktics, a two-player wargame I built in 1978-79. It used a KIM-1 microcomputer board, along with a 4K RAM board, a custom-built interface board, and two special “tiny terminals”.
KimTanktics is a two-player game of tactical armored combat. This is not a fast-action video game; it is a historical simulation — albeit not a terriby accurate one — of armored combat during World War II. The game has data on a number of different tank designs and can allow players to fight with different groups of tanks. Terrain plays an important role in the game; players must skillfully maneuver through terrain as to remain hidden from the enemy’s view. Careful thinking, not fast reactions, is required to win.
Here’s what the complete system looks like. Note how the two players are unable to see each other’s maps and the positions of their tanks.
User Interface
Input software
Output software
Movement and combat processing