- Library
- The Journal of Computer Game Design
- Color Versus Resolution
- JCGD Volume 1
- JCGD Volume 1, #1 June/July 1987
- Volume 1, #2, August/September 1987
- Volume 1 Number 3 October/November 1987
- Volume 1 Number 4 December 1987/January 1988
- Volume 1, Number 5. February/March 1988
- Volume 1, Number 6 April/May 1988
- Volume 1, Number 7 June/July 1988
- Volume 1 Number 8 August/September 1988
- JCGD Volume 2
- JCGD Volume 3
- JCGD Volume 4
- JCGD Volume 5
- JCGD Volume 6
- Will ISDN Steal CD-ROM's Thunder?
- Audience Engineering
- How to Build An Inverse Parser
- Copy Protection Methods
- A Better Metaphor for Game Design
- Invasion of the Expositorions
- Spatial Versus Verbal Reasoning
- I Had A Dream
- Whither the Journal?
- Template
- Volume 6 Number 1 October 1992
- Volume 6 Number 1 October 1992 2
- JCGD Volume 7
- Fundamentals of Interactivity
- Intellectual Integrity
- The Madness of Roland
- Segmentation Considerations
- Ga-Ga over Graphics
- Revolution and Apocalypse
- Myst
- A Thought on Box Copy
- Objects Versus People
- The Perils of GroupThink
- Game Phylogeny Recapitulates Mental Ontogeny
- Flawed Methods for Interactive Storytelling
- Understanding Comics
- Control Versus Interactivity
- I Told Ya So: Interactivity
- Thoughts on the Disney Brouhaha
- Enconium Negativism
- Design Analysis: Doom
- The Net
- The Mannikin and the Black Box
- Personality Modeling
- Algorithmic Thinking
- JCGD Volume 8
- The Art of Deratting
- How to Play God
- Two Books on Game Programming
- Culture of Instability
- East Coast Developers' Conference
- Evolutionary Game Design
- Sophomorism
- Barrels o’ Fun
- Representation Versus Depiction
- Asymmetric Interactive Relationships
- Networked Interpersonal Games
- Interactivity, Plot, Free Will, Determinism, Quantum Mechanics, and Temporal Irreversibility
- Lord Kelvin and Computer Games
- Auteurs Versus Teams
- Design by Cloning
- Hollywood Envy
- Matha-Claus is Coming to Town
- Play and Mentation
- In Praise of Ambiguity
- Societal Models of Programming
- The Two Cultures War
- JCGD Volume 9
- Braggadocio Versus Bravura
- Dreams, Stories, and Games
- The Need for Speed
- Why Is Interactivity So Hard?
- Towards a Linguistic Approach to Game Design
- New Programming Styles
- We Are Still Not Keeping Up with the Hardware
- Not Ready for Prime Time
- Power
- Reading Habits of the Rich and Famous
- Who Needs Hollywood?
- The March of Abstraction
- Advice to a Young Programmer
- Computer Games Are Dead
- CrawPhaedrus
- Algorithms Are Where You Find Them
- The Role of Death
- Systems of Survival
- The Cambrian Era of Game Design
- Little Languages
- Goodbye
- Lilan
- How Systems Fail
- My Own Vision of the Revolution
- Design Precepts for Erasmatron
- Is Interactivity Inimical to Storytelling?
- Dramatic Approximation
- Interactivizing Stories
- Plot Versus Interactivity
- Programming for People
- The Nature of Play
- The Network
- Theme and Interactivity
- Two Cultures Again
- What’s Recursion?
- The Dark Side of Play
- Koalas Versus Goats
- Laura Mixon's Section
- Erasmus the Hero
- Who Was This Erasmus Character?
- Formative Years
- Quotations
- Courage
- Adages
- A Man Who Rose Above His Times
- Latinity
- Erasmus the Peacemaker
- Erasmus Was Not Antisemitic
- Don't Read Erasmus
- Erasmus Rampant!
- Erasmus The Ludosophist
- The First Mass Entertainment Medium
- Nothing Ever Changes
- How Bad Can Scholarship Get?
- Erasmus Was Not Gay
- Claims that Erasmus was Gay
- The Absence of Accusations
- Personal Bias Against Gays
- Erasmus' Criteria For Love
- The Cutoff of Funds
- An Exchange of Emails
- Erasmus in Italy
- Jacob Batt
- Other Comments
- My Correspondence with Dr. Norton
- Another Email Exchange
- The Servatius Letters
- The Thomas Grey Affair
- Heinrich Eppendorf
- An Unfinished Draft
- My Books
- Balance of Power the Book International Politics as the Ultimate Global GameCopyright 1986 Chris Crawford
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Balance of Power and the Real World
- Chapter 2: The Wonderful World of Insurgency
- Coups d’Etat
- Chapter 4: Finlandization
- Chapter 5: Crises
- Chapter 6: The Unincluded Factors
- Chapter 7: Strategy for Balance of Power
- Chapter 8: How Balance of Power was Created
- Appendix: A Sample Expert-Level Game
- Bibliography
- Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling
- The Art of Interactivity Design
- You Should Learn to Program
- Why you should learn to program
- An Aside on Programming Languages
- Setting Up
- Your First Javascript Program
- First Big Idea: Object Versus Process
- Second Big Idea: Abstraction Through Numbers
- Third Big Idea: Precision of Expression
- Arithmetic
- Abstraction
- Decisions, Decisions
- Over and over again
- Machine Guns and Bullets
- Bunches o’ Numbers
- Bits, Bytes, and Bureaucracies
- From data to information
- Conclusions
- Appendix: How Computers Work
- (Old version) You Should Learn to Program
- How Transistors Work
- Dead End
- Balance of Power the Book International Politics as the Ultimate Global GameCopyright 1986 Chris Crawford
- Phrontisterion Reports
- The Unraveling
- Design Diaries
- Design Diary: Siboot
- Encounter Editor Window
- November 2016
- October 2016
- April 2015
- March 2015
- February 2015
- January 2015
- December 2014
- November 2014
- Mechanics of Lies
- A Modest Proposal (Pace Jonathan Swift)
- Strategy for Dream Combat
- Interstitial Stories
- A Markup Language for Interstitial Stories
- Process for Authors of Interstitial Stories
- A Sample Interstitial Story
- Dream Combat AI
- It’s Alive!
- Interstitial Story Markup Language — 2nd Draft
- Deals, Episode XXIX
- A Larger Problem
- Programming Mood Shadings
- More on Faces
- Revisiting the Personality Model
- Interstitial Story Simplification
- October 2014
- September 2014
- Evaluating the Merits of a Deal
- New Face Design
- You Can Never Have Too Many Backups
- Circumferentiality rears its head again!
- How to Calculate Uncertainty
- Progress Report
- Another ‘Typical’ Day
- Walking to the Moon
- Moods and Facial Expressions
- More on Face Displays
- First Experiment
- My Reach Always Exceeds My Grasp
- Should I Dispense With Uncertainty?
- August 2014
- July 2014
- June 2014
- May 2014
- New Screen Layout
- The Engineer Versus the Artist
- A Tough Technical Decision
- 2D Versus 1D Sentence Display
- Another Diary
- A Big Change
- AWT: All or Nothing
- Day of the Long Knives
- Knee-Deep in Digital Gore
- The Terror of Change
- Where to put the period?
- Some More Display Issues
- The Complexities of Space and Time
- Back to Square One
- A Decidedly Unsettling Discovery
- About that Rightmost Panel
- April 2014
- March 2014
- February 2014
- January 2014
- December 2103
- November 2013
- October 2013
- September 2013
- August 2013
- July 2013
- Compound Verbs
- Breakthrough!
- Can Event Cartouches Work?
- Usage Dictionary
- A Sample Story
- How to handle emotional inflection?
- SWAT verbs
- How to initiate a conversation?
- One Small Step
- Talking through a Script
- Some details
- Two Outside Suggestions
- Numerals
- Quantifier Shenanigans
- You Snivelling Fool!
- HTML to Java
- Back to Work
- That Damned Inversion Problem!
- First Run
- Initialization Problem
- A Better Run
- Guiding Conversations
- Gift-Giving
- Balking at Scripts
- Algorithms are Fundamental
- June 2013
- May 2013
- April 2013
- January 2013
- Design Diary: Balance of the Planet
- June 2nd
- June 3rd
- June 4th
- June 5th
- June 6th
- June 7th
- June 8th
- June 11th
- June 13th
- June 14th
- June 15th
- June 16th
- June 20th
- June 22nd
- June 23rd
- June 28th
- June 30th
- July 6th
- July 22nd
- July 25th
- July 28th
- July 29th
- July 31
- August 3rd
- August 4th
- September 2nd
- September 17th
- October 6th
- October 8th
- October 13th
- November 6th
- November 12th
- November 13th
- November 14th
- November 17th
- December 5th
- December 14th
- December 19th
- December 25th
- December 26th
- December 28th
- January 15th
- January 29th
- February 1st
- February 2nd
- February 3rd
- February 4th
- February 6th
- February 9th
- February 11th
- February 15th
- February 17th
- February 23rd
- February 29th
- March 7th
- March 12th
- March 20th
- March 25th
- July 7th
- August 1st
- August 24th
- September 3rd
- September 8th
- May 25th, 2023
- September 1, 2023
- Design Diary: Gossip
- Le Morte D’Arthur Design Notes
- Le Morte D’Arthur 2017
- Sappho
- Balance of Power II
- Untitled New Game
- America’s Fate
- Le Morte D’Arthur, Third Try
- September 20th
- September 22nd
- September 23rd
- October 15th
- October 16th
- October 28th
- October 29th
- October 31st
- November 1st
- November 2nd
- November 3rd
- November 5th
- November 6th
- November 9th
- November 10th
- November 12th
- November 13th
- November 14th
- November 15th
- November 23rd
- November 24th
- November 25th
- November 26th
- November 27th
- November 28th
- November 30th
- December 3rd
- December 5th
- December 9th
- December 10th
- December 11th
- December 12th
- December 13th
- December 14th
- December 15th
- December 16th
- December 18th
- December 19th
- December 25th
- December 29th
- December 30th
- December 31st
- January 1st
- January 3rd
- January 4th
- January 8th
- January 11th
- January 15th
- February 12th
- Le Morte D’Arthur, Fourth Try
- November 14th, 2020
- November 17th, 2020
- November 21st, 2020
- November 22nd, 2020
- November 25th, 2020
- November 28th, 2020
- November 30th, 2020
- December 7th, 2020
- December 8th, 2020
- December 10th, 2020
- December 23rd, 2020
- December 24th, 2020
- December 26th, 2020
- December 29th, 2020
- December 31st, 2020
- January 5th, 2021
- January 10th, 2021
- January 15th, 2021
- February 14th, 2021
- March 16th, 2021
- May 12th, 2021
- May 16th, 2021
- July 7th, 2021
- September 8th, 2021
- October 27th, 2021
- November 20th, 2021
- December 5th, 2021
- December 23rd, 2021
- May 15th, 2022
- June 6th, 2022
- Re Feedback
- Analysis of Play Data
- Advice for Players
- Further Analysis
- Thoughts from a World-Class Designer
- A Million Monkeys
- Balancing Options
- Critiques from Users
- Design Diary: Siboot
- People are Idiots
- Ahead of Their Times
- Software Projects for Volunteers
- Game Design
- Trinary Life
- What Do Women Want?
- The Tyranny of the Visual
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
- The Education of a Game Designer
- Artists and Technologists
- Rabid Readers
- The Tool Shapes the Hand of its User
- The Critics of Purple Moon
- Once Upon Atari
- Advanced Tinkertoy Text
- Florin & Embert
- On the Role of Peril
- A Rigorous Measure for Interactivity
- Where's the Creativity?
- Causal Immediacy
- Eye Candy
- Self Confidence, Egotism, and Prudence
- Here we go again
- Can Games Communicate Morality?
- Technological Capriciousness
- A Safe Sex Game?
- Same Old, Same Old
- Intuition
- Would Somebody Please Do This?
- A Serious Game from 1976
- Paradigm Shift
- Blacklisted By GDC!
- The Algorithm is the Message
- Plan for Inspiring Students to Pursue Interactive Storytelling
- Mathophobia
- Design Sketch for Political Game
- Crawford’s Laws of Software Design
- Ya Don’t Gotta Play the Games
- A Covid-19 Game Design
- More on the Covid-19 Design
- Math Methods
- Book Reviews
- Book Reviews for 2008
- The Stories of English
- Talking Hands
- The Trojan War
- Historical Geography
- Energy Victory
- War and Peace and War
- Origins of Complex Language
- History of Reading
- Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences
- The Little Mermaid
- Throwing Fire
- God and Reason in the Middle Ages
- A Companion to Justinian’s Institutes
- Vestal Fire
- The Literary Animal
- The Meaning of Tingo
- On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
- Book Reviews for 2009
- The Trial: A History
- Franklin: Writings
- The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language
- Adages III iv 1 to IV ii 100
- The Eternal Frontier
- Mohammed, Charlemagne, and the Origins of Europe
- The 10,000 Year Explosion
- Saxons, Vikings, and Celts
- Farewell to Alms
- Kluge
- Understanding Early Civilizations
- On the Origin of Stories
- Parallel Lives
- Book Reviews for 2010
- Ideas
- Case for India
- The Richness of Life
- Tricks of the Mind
- Human Universals
- The Anglo-Saxon World
- India Unbound
- Mencius
- Moral Minds
- The Winds of Change
- Empires of Time
- Prehistory
- Justinian's Flea
- In the Blink of an Eye
- When Asia Was the World
- Marco Polo
- Thumbs, Toes, and Tears
- Through the Looking Glass
- The Evolutionary Origin of Human Behavior
- Catching Fire
- Early Greece
- Trail of Tears
- Book Reviews for 2011
- Life Ascending
- The Evolution of God
- A Splendid Exchange
- Vermeer's Hat
- How Language Works
- The Salem Witchcraft Trials
- The Taste of Conquest
- Witchcraft and Society in England and America
- Barbarians to Angels
- Law and Crime in the Roman World
- Reading in the Brain
- Oxford Companion to the English Language
- End of Empire
- Supernormal Stimuli
- The Mountains of St. Francis
- Riddled With Life
- Science in Traditional China
- Rare Earth
- Under a Green Sky
- The Triumph of Science and Reason
- Letters From an American Farmer
- Death in the Pot
- Travelling Heroes
- Democracy in America
- Book Reviews for 2012
- The Oregon Trail
- The Great Divergence
- How the West Grew Rich
- The Perfect Swarm
- The History of Early Rome
- The Ascent of Money
- The Storytelling Animal
- The Better Angels of Our Nature
- Finding Our Tongues
- Documents from the Life of Christopher Columbus
- Life on a Young Planet
- Journal of the Plague Year
- Puddn'head Wilson
- The Social Conquest of Earth
- Correspondence of Erasmus Volume 11
- The Beginnings of WesternScience
- Seagoing Ships and Seamanship in the Bronze Age Levant
- The Origins of Political Order
- Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial Revolution
- Interactive Storytelling for Videogames
- Book Reviews for 2013
- A History of Mathematics
- The Great Decision
- The Secret History of the Mongol Queens
- Writings of Thomas Jefferson
- Thinking, Fast and Slow
- Smoot's Ear
- By Hook or By Crook
- The Economy of the Greek Cities
- Copernicus and Modern Astronomy
- 9 Algorithms that Changed the Future
- The Expressiveness of the Body
- An Examen of Witches
- Lowly Origin
- Medieval Cities
- The Pythagorean Theorem
- The Flight of the Iguana
- The House of Wisdom
- Confucius, A Throneless King
- The Correspondence of Erasmus Volume 12
- The Anabasis
- Bedouin Law
- The Voyage of the HMS Beagle
- Origins of Human Communication
- Abraham Lincoln
- Reason and Society in the Middle Ages
- Intellectual Curiosity and the Scientific Revolution
- Why Europe Grew Rich and Asia Did Not
- The Ambitions of Curiosity
- Book Reviews for 2014
- The Genesis of Science
- The Victory of Reason
- Moral Origins
- The Kingdom Suffereth Violence
- From the Tree to the Labyrinth
- The Foundations of Science in the Middle Ages
- Inside the Neolithic Mind
- 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed
- The Most Powerful Idea in the World
- Reason and Society in the Middle Ages
- The Sea and Civilization
- City of FortuneHow Venice Won And Lost a Naval Empire
- Spillover
- 1215: The Year of the Magna Carta
- Apocalypse
- The Earth Moves
- Information
- The Man of Numbers
- The Recursive Mind
- Louder Than Words
- The Lever of Riches
- Book Reviews for 2015
- Book Reviews for 2016
- Random Book Reviews
- The Greatest Books
- Book Reviews for 2021
- Books I Recommend
- Book Reviews for 2008
- People Through History
- Software
- Life in General
- Innocence
- Integrity
- Quotations from Will Durant
- Dr. Johnson's Dictionary
- Lunacy: My Attempt at Fiction
- Natural Exercise
- Pounding Dirt
- Goodbye Star Trek
- How to Speak
- Chris Hondros
- Imagine
- More On Integrity
- How I Scratch an Itch
- Marbles
- What is the Meaning of Life?
- Death
- Pejorative Gender Labels
- Pornography as Art????
- The “Meaning” of Life
- What can we learn from pornography?
- Uneducated Observations on Music
- How to Make the Computer a Medium of Artistic Expression
- A History of Failure
- A New Way of Seeing
- Object Versus Process
- The Computer is a Processing Machine
- The Cognitive Leap from Object to Process
- Mathematics is the Language of Processes
- How to express ideas mathily
- Simulation for Dilettantes 😀
- Personality Models
- Numbers
- Using BNumber Math
- Object Elements of Storyworlds
- Process Elements of Storyworlds
- Verbs
- Verb Reactions: Roles
- The Sappho Scripting Language
- Language and Deikto
- Options
- Engines
- Gossip
- Development Systems
- Faces
- What Does the User Do?
- Conclusions
- Stepping Back: A Larger View
- Example: Gossip 2013
- Multi-dimensional analysis of fictional character characteristics
- Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Movie Characters
- Statements of Affinity
- Nesting Clauses
- Deals
- Request/Recommend/Demand
- Have I Been Wasting My Time?
- Interactive Storytelling
- Negative Lessons from Storytron
- An Open Letter to the Hyperfiction Community
- It's a STORY!
- Erasmatron Faces
- The Structure of Mysteries
- Is Interactive Storytelling Stuck?
- Paradigm Shift
- Great Art Evokes Stories
- What Is Interactive Storytelling?
- Downton Abbey
- Interactive Storytelling’s Time Has Come
- A Plea
- Le Morte D’Arthur Battle Scene Sucks
- Why I am ending further work on interactive storytelling
- The Evolution of Stories
- Sentences are Fundamental
- Plan B
- First Attempt at Abstracting Simple Stories
- A New Approach
- Encounters First
- Tree Structures For Encounter Systems
- Sketch for Le Morte D’Arthur Using Encounter System
- Evaluating Personality Models
- Encounter System Technology
- References for Wumpus
- Sequentiality
- Wumpus Alpha Release Notes
- Gamers or Storytellers?
- Wumpus 0.87.zip
- Interactive Architectures
- Abdenour Bennani’s Question
- Another Good Question
- The Backstory Problem
- Narrativity Versus Ludology
- Concentrated Essence of Story
- Deep Space Nine
- Computing Basic Story Structures
- An Unfortunate Inevitability
- Where We Went Wrong
- Technology
- Computer Security
- Middle Aged Software
- Digital Cameras, BASIC, and Visicalc
- Dumb Code Versus Smart Code
- Emergence
- Adventures with Windows 7
- Extrapolation Algorithm
- A Sad Tale of Bad Design
- Creeps to Leaps
- When Algorithms Go Bad
- The Sixes and the Eights
- Mouse Surfaces
- Too Many Verbs
- From Typos to Checkos
- How Should I Publish My Books?
- A Grand Realization
- Programming Styles of the Lazy and Ignorant
- Motor Speed Measuring Circuit
- The Bad Old Days
- Schemolics
- Going to Mars is a Bad Idea
- Why Software Sucks
- What is the Essence of Computing?
- Why We Don’t Understand Computers
- The Language of Process
- A Simple Example
- Google Maps Idiocy
- Numbers and Meaning
- How to Build a Safe Internet
- Whither This Poor Pilgrim?
- Rebuilding This Website
- The Borg Versus the Dinosaurs
- Random Remarks on User Interface
- Passwords Are Like Immune Systems
- Text Versus Video
- How Complex Systems Fail
- The Mayan Algorithm
- Apple Has Lost My Respect
- Verb Riot
- More Crabbing
- Threats and Opportunities of AI
- Generative AI from 1991
- More on the AI Brouhaha
- A Plan for A Community for Interactive Storytelling
- Source Code
- Le Morte D'Arthur.zip
- BalanceOfThePlanetSource.zip
- Legionnaire Source Code.zip
- Source Code for Scram
- Source Code for Energy Czar
- Balance of the Planet.zip
- Patton Strikes Back.zip
- Last of the Incas.zip
- Atari Gossip Source Code.zip
- Eastern Front Source Code.zip
- Trust&Betrayal.zip
- BoP2.zip
- WizardSourceCode.zip
- SCRAM (from original game).LST
- Excalibur.zip
- KimTanktics
- Slubberdegullion
- The Mind
- Dreams
- How To Think
- Consciousness
- Network Effects
- Words Beginning with “Sn”
- History of Thinking
- Core Argument
- Contents
- Retired Pages
- Bibliography
- Sources
- Before Hominids
- Before Civilization
- Early Civilization
- The Medieval Period
- The Church Lays the Foundations of Science
- Revolutions: Scientific and Industrial
- The Present
- Themes
- Where's the Proof?
- Earworms
- When did Past Tense Arise?
- HBD: Human Biodiversity
- Three Cognitive Leaps
- Artificial Personas
- A Small Memory Trick
- The Mind Doesn’t Wander
- A Possible Case of Cross-Species Mirror Neuron Function
- Intermediate Imaging
- Learning from Tragedy
- Three Methods of Creativity
- Skunkies
- Heavy Weather
- Microsoft Word
- An Anonymous PC
- Computers
- Network Solutions FTP
- Windows
- Sears Tiller
- Computerdom
- Software Is Getting Worse
- How Can You Screw up a Power Switch?!?!?!
- Winix Model 300 HEPA Air Cleaner
- Apple “Pages” Word Processor
- Chrysler Town & Country
- A Furious Rant Against WordPress
- Three Formats for Information Presentation
- Video Capture Software
- Numbers on Macintosh
- An Idiotic User Interface Blunder
- Families of Skunkies
- Fourth Generation Interactive Storytelling Technology
- Encounter System
- The Unversal Personality Model
- The Facial Display Technology
- Language of Interaction
- A Fundamental Obstacle
- Physical Law Versus Dramatic Law
- Two Fundamental Strategies
- Reconsideration of Fundamental Strategies
- If I Had Big Funding
- Asymmetric Language I/O
- Feedback
- Intuition Versus Guessing
- “Psst! Wanna Get Rich?"
- A Solution to Interactive StorytellingPart One: History
- A Summation of My Thinking
- Project “Save the World”
- Global Variables
- Science
- A Mechanical Laser
- Rosy-Fingered Dawn
- Science a la Mao
- Second Thermo
- On Some Characters of Time
- The Leonid Project
- The 1972 Geminid Project
- The 1999 Leonid Mission
- First Analysis Attempt
- The 2001 Leonid Project
- Leonid Analysis Diary
- January 8th, 2011
- January 10th
- January 11th, 2011
- January 14th, 2011
- January 15th, 2011
- January 28th, 2011
- January 30th, 2011
- February 1st, 2011
- February 3rd
- February 6th, 2011
- February 10th, 2011
- February 13th, 2011
- February 16th, 2011
- February 25th, 2011
- February 27th, 2011
- March 12th, 2011
- March 17th
- March 19th, 2011
- March 20th, 2011
- March 22nd, 2011
- March 23rd, 2011
- March 24th, 2011
- March 25th, 2011
- March 26th
- March 27th, 2011
- March 28th, 2011
- April 2nd, 2011
- April 20th, 2011
- April 23rd, 2011
- April 25th, 2011
- Final Conclusions
- Fine Structure Analysis
- Calculation of Streamer Motion
- How Science Works
- Could Tyrannosaurus Rex Run?
- Speculations about DNA Operation
- The Phylogeny of Play
- Information is The Fundamental Constituent of the Universe
- Male Sweating
- Life in the Sun
- Just So Stories
- Information Physics
- Artifacts and Thieves
- Motivations Versus Results
- The World's First Hydraulic Laser
- 2015 Perseid Project
- Lake Vostok is Dead
- Aliens Just Gotta Be Nice
- Annular Eclipse of the Sun
- A Most Puzzling Photograph
- How Technology Advances
- The Unlikelihood of Extraterrestrial Technological Societies
- Is the Metric the Reality?
- A Student Astronomy Project
- Are Irrational Numbers Possible?
- Some Odd Implications of Relativity
- Information is the Reality of the Universe
- A Demonstration of Earth-based Heating
- What is this Rock?
- “What is the Gene for…?”
- The Connection between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
- A New Physics
- An Interesting Phenomenon in a Parking Lot
- A Solution to the Fermi Paradox
- A Random Note
- Marsh Gas
- Magnetite
- An Odd Discovery
- The Shadow Illuminates the Light
- Tree Rings
- 8,000 Year Old Wood
- Dim Prospects for Life on Mars
- Catching Canopus
- Why Do Icicles Have Ribs?
- Romantic Word Frequencies
- Negentropy Accumulation
- Is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Alive?
- Why Is This Sound Uneven?
- Abusing Science for Political Purposes
- Eunice Foote Did Not Discover the Greenhouse Effect
- Pine Tree Delamination
- More on Life In the Sun
- We Won’t Colonize Mars
- A Rare Observation of StarLink Satellites
- A Universe Designed for Life???
- A Strange Rock
- Speculations on Cosmology
- More Nonsense about Colonizing Mars
- The Journal of Computer Game Design
- Personal
- Reminiscences
- Charlie
- Jaws
- Faint Memories
- Old Fogeys and Music
- Frogger-Rogger
- Hey Jude
- An Old Joke
- My Ball
- The Pendulum
- I was the first software evangelist
- How I Got A Job at Atari
- An Old Newspaper Clipping
- Seeing Pluto
- Ancient Wargaming Computer
- “Is This Honest?”
- Nonconformity
- “Games You’ll Never See"
- Frugality
- How I Got Married
- English Teachers in High School
- Peter Connor
- Cathy Javorski
- Experiences
- Tractor Repairs
- The Computer Game Developers' Conference
- A Heroic Effort
- Internet Discussions
- Screwed by United Airlines
- Brave Versus Finding Nemo
- A Most Peculiar Experience
- The Triumph of a New Computer, the Agony of Migration
- Coding is Fun and Easy; Design Isn’t
- Culling My Library
- Roughing It
- Celebrities
- Snow Driving
- Letting Go of Expertise
- Screwed by eBay
- Acessing Star Trek
- Opinions
- Contemptible Breeders
- The Economics of Colonization
- Bedside Notes
- Consumerism
- I've Been Dinosaurized
- Requiem for Jane
- Drab Heroes
- Opinionation
- Random Questions
- Waste Not, Trash Not
- Fine Art
- One-Liners
- I Disdain Groups
- How Much Should You Care about Grades?
- The March of Progress
- An Unethical Teacher
- A Scholar of Sorts
- Rejection of Science
- Women Members of the Games Community
- Misogyny
- More On GamerGate
- Selfies by Special People
- A Different Take on Star Wars Episode VII
- An Existential Controversy
- The Self-Delusion of an Afterlife
- Programmers and Aging
- Two Kinds of Men
- A Few Bits on Bulletin Boards
- The Generic Boomer Lady
- Some Erudite Insults
- A Silly Movie
- Personal Photos
- Aping Erasmus
- Father and Son
- Politics
- A Politically Sophisticated Election
- Thoughts on the Eve of War
- The Doom of President Bush
- All in a Day's Work
- Was America Judeo-Christian?
- Hiroshima and 9/11
- President Bush is Doubly Doomed
- In Search of a Reasonable Bush Supporter
- A Fable
- Evolution and Politics
- A Shot at Libertarianism
- Bloggers
- Lies of Rick Cina
- Cowardly Americans
- Democracy in Iraq?
- Climate Change Science
- A Denunciation of the Arguments against Global Warming
- More on Global Warming Denial
- ClimateGate
- If I Were King
- The Price of Rejecting Rationalism
- A Solution to the Problem of Rad Waste Disposal
- Superdogs
- Oslo and "Blameless Responsibility"
- Time's Man of the Year
- We Are All Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherers
- The Disintegration of the American Body Politic
- Hate
- 2012 Post-Election Thoughts
- Intellectual Cowards
- A National ID System
- A Beleaguered Hero
- How to Fix the Senate
- Government Spying
- Redistribution: Rights versus Security
- Professional Climate Change Deniers
- The Revolt Against Modernity
- Violence Begets Violence
- Social Identity
- Progress Leads to Extinction
- The “One Size Fits All” Solution
- The American Century is Over
- How to Legally Secede from the Union
- The Crisis of Legitimacy
- The Next Four Years
- Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off
- Desiderata for a Political Divorce
- The Costs of Climate Change
- The Fall of Homo Sapiens
- To the Idiots Who Rejected Ms. Clinton
- A New Economy
- Asabiyahh
- Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un
- Mr. Trump’s Crimes
- The Politics of Anger
- I Was Wrong
- The Woman Who Saved America (A Fantasy)
- Complexity is Destroying Civilization
- Against Universal Suffrage
- A 21st Century Economy
- What do Words Mean?
- The Threat From Progressives
- How Will the Covid-19 Pandemic Affect American Asabiyah?
- Sinic Group Versus Western Individualism
- The Moral Ignorance of Judging People in the Past
- A New Religion: Conspiracy Theorism
- The Decline of Daily Kos
- Can You Trust the News?
- The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Another American Civil War?
- The Dynamics Leading to An American Civil War
- Now We’ve Done It: We’ve Ruined the Jet Stream
- Medium
- A Difficult Decision
- Rationalism
- The Threat of Acceleration of Technological Progress
- The End of Civilization
- Climate Science Denial
- Legitimacy
- The Absurdity of the Electoral College
- A Tough Personal Decision
- The Far Left is As Bad As MAGA
- Self
- The Mirror-Realization
- Sixty
- Sixty One
- Voice Recognition
- Answering Machine Messages
- The Evolution of My Musical Tastes
- Behavioral Spoonerisms
- Work Habits
- I Must Be Schizophrenic
- A Revealing Dream
- Life Goals
- My Famous Ancestor
- If I Had a Million Bucks
- Frogger Rogger
- How to Think: A Course
- How to Think V2.0
- How to Think V 3.0
- A Visit to Lupron Land
- Private Section for Advisory Group
- Empathy
- Not Quite the End
- My Favorite Movies
- The March of Senility
- Pastim
- Forty Years of Failure
- Too Many Tasks
- A Genius????
- I Really Blew It
- Seventy
- Gemma
- Contradictory Audio Perception
- Message From Space
- Am I Really That Smart?
- Travelogue
- Weird Projects
- Cast of Critters
- Best Photos
- The Coyote Holocaust
- Alicia
- Andy
- Auggie
- Bartholomew And Mokey
- Beauregard and Betsy
- Binky
- Blaise
- Bootsie
- Buckwheat
- Burritos
- Callie
- Carla
- Chepe Beki
- Daphne
- Darby
- Elmer & Emma
- Flannel
- Francesca
- Fred
- Gilligan
- Ginger
- Gomer
- Gregory Cat
- Half-Stache
- Izzy
- Khublai Khat
- Kinky
- Kiwi Katter
- Lady
- Lola
- Lucy
- Mildred
- Mimsy
- Molly
- Moose
- Oecolampadius
- Pangur Ban
- Penelope Pig
- Penumbra
- Perseus
- Phoebe
- Phoenix
- Pookey
- Rocky
- Rocky Raccoon
- Roxy
- Sheeba Sheep
- Sammy
- Sasha
- Scaredy Cat
- Sherlock Sheep
- Sherry Sheep
- Sigibert
- Sinchi Roca
- Smokey
- Sparky
- Spooky
- Stella
- Subotai
- Tenzing
- Thyka
- Tigger
- Tom Slick
- Tony Tiger
- Velvet
- Willow
- Yosemite Spam
- Zubenelgenubi
- Gargoyle Gulch
- Videos
- ABC Nightline 1981
- Bits, Bytes, and Buzzwords
- Video Visits
- Incredible Technologies, 1987
- Creativity and Game Design, 1988
- Fundamentals of Interactivity 1989
- Balance of the Planet 1990
- The Mystique of the Loop, 1991
- The Dragon Speech, 1993
- Revolution 1994
- Subjunctivity 1998
- Animex Teeside 2006
- Interview from GET LAMP, 2007
- Into the Night, 2009
- The Phylogeny of Play 2011
- Immotivator 2011
- Immotivator Interview 2011
- Mesa Community College
- ICIDS Copenhagen
- Steamy Jimmy Interview
- Internet Chat with Developers in Paris
- Lecture in Milan, Italy
- Lecture in France on January 21st, 2016
- Excellent Interview for CBC
- Old Home Movies
- Reminiscences
- Site Map
- Contact Form
- 2020 Course
- Teen Talk