A Simple Example

I expect that, after reading the previous essays, you’re inspired by the theory but lost as to how one might apply it. Here I’ll show you a very simple example of a process-intensive approach to teaching. The ideal here is the Socratic method: the teacher interacts with the student, asking questions for the student to answer. The student’s answers always lead to more questions. The teacher never states any facts other than the obvious. 

This is a skeletal example. I’m sure that it could be expanded with graphics, animation, music from a grand orchestra, etc. However, it’s purpose is to demonstrate the architecture, nothing more. Let’s begin.

You approach an apple tree. Isaac Newton is sitting underneath it, munching on an apple. He addresses you:

“Salutations, young sir! I gather you have come here to learn the secrets of the universe. I will not tell you any such secrets, for you already know them. I shall serve only to let you see what you already know. So, please to observe yon plump, ripe apple hanging from that branch. I needn’t point out that the red orb will soon break loose from its stem and fall towards the earth. But ask yourself: WHY does it fall to the earth? Obviously the earth is pulling on it. But how do we know that it is not the apple that is pulling on the earth? Or perhaps they are both pulling on each other. Which do you think it might be?” 

The earth is pulling on the apple.

The apple is pulling on the earth.

They are both pulling each other.