I haven’t worked on Siboot for the last three days; I started getting good feedback on Gossip and therefore devoted these three days to Gossip. It’s now in much better shape. Hence it’s time to get back to work on Siboot.
I am also dispensing with further work on the whole client-server issue. Getting that operational is not on the critical path for this project. If I get funding, then I can hire somebody to handle the problem; if I don’t get funding, there won’t be any point in setting it up.
For now the task at hand is to continue with the slow task of entering and fleshing out the Verbs using SWAT. If I get that running properly, I can use it to get funding. That’s on the critical path.
One last item: several times over the last few days I have taken a break to clear my head, and while doing that I have worked on my own renditions of faces for the Seven Species. This is, of course, just placeholder stuff; I’ll want to get genuine artwork from genuine artists. But it gives me something to work with. Herewith my results so far:

As you can see, you can do a lot with a bunch of animal pictures and a good photo-retouching program, although I’ll have do a lot more if I want people to find these in any way believable.