July 15th

Just do it. That’s the solution I have settled on for the problem of differential commands. Each commander fights on his own personal battlefield against his own Saxon opponents. Arthur can give orders to advance, hold, or fall back without any concern for anybody else. If a commander routs his Saxon opponents, he automatically adds his strength to the most hard-pressed colleague. If a commander is routed by the Saxons, that Saxon unit goes to the aid of its most hard-pressed colleague. 

So here is the new, improved sample battle:

The battle begins
So far, everything seems to be going well.
Everything still appears to be going OK.
Morgana’s men appear to be losing ground.
Lancelot’s men are making good progress.
Overall, the battle seems to be progressing satisfactorily.
Morgana sends a distress call; she needs help. 
I dispatch Galahad to reinforce her.
Now Gawain is calling for reinforcements.
I ride to his sector and encourage him.
Pellinore is calling for reinforcements.
I order Pellinore to fall back somewhat.
Pellinore’s men are losing their nerve; they’ll break any minute now.
I order Pellinore to retreat to a reserve position. The Saxons chase him a short ways, then turn on Morgana’s men.
Morgana’s men are definitely in difficulty.
I order Morgana to fall back.
I send the Katerfaks to relieve Morgana.
I order Lancelot to attack with everything he’s got.
The Saxon line in front of Lancelot dissolves; Lancelots’s men pour through the gap and attack the Saxons fighting Morgana from the flank.
Galahad’s men break through their opponents.
The Saxon line breaks up into a mob of refugees.
I order the army to refrain from pursuing the Saxons. They are to gather up the cattle and care for their wounded. 

I don’t think that this is enough. This still lacks depth and drama. Yes, I can dress it up a lot with TinkerToy Text, but will that be sufficient? Do I need more verbs?