November 26th

So the primary problem today is to figure out how to handle what I’ll call “singular encounters”. These are encounters in which the player does something that is specific to an individual. This requires that I have TWO blend reactions: one for the object of the encounter and one for everybody else. I could have two blends for every encounter: singular and group, and then add a character object. If that character object is empty, then only the group blend is applied, to all characters. If the character object is non-empty, then the singular blend applies to that character object and the group blend applies to everybody else. So let’s go look at the Encounter Editor and see if there’s a place to put that stuff in.

There’s plenty of room in the space allocated for specifying the time window for the encounter:

I’ll just shove those two elements to the left and insert the character popup menu on the right.

Now to the twin blending elements. Here’s what’s there now:

There’s plenty of room here for either horizontal or vertical scrunching. Let’s look at both approaches:

I didn’t bother cleaning up the left version; it could be made to look better by moving the parts into tighter groupings. Even so, I’d still have to make the sliders smaller, and change the text so that it doesn’t mix together at the bottom. In any case, the right version definitely looks better. I’ll go with that. 

But there’s another problem that I should address here: do I really need all False_Honest? I had earlier decided that it’s operationally meaningful only if Arthur can make promises that he later must fulfill. Keeping track of those promises is a major computational hurdle for the engine. I think that, for now, I’ll leave False_Honest in, but not bother with it until I need it. If I never need it, it won’t hurt being in there.

Just finished the coding for editing and saving the new data in the storyworld. For tomorrow: the code for executing the blend operations. This assumes that I’m not shut down by the huge winter storm dumping snow on us. So far, so good.