Encounter System

This technology presents the player with the encounters that provide color and backstory to the player. It seeks to balance the mechanistic feel of the storytelling engine; where the Engine provides high interactivity in a narrow range of behaviors, the Encounter System provides low interactive across a broad range. Interaction through the Engine will be rich and deep, but will lack texture. The Encounter System will introduce the player to the storyworld, its characters, stages, and props. It will provide backstory.

The Encounter System that I developed for Siboot is simpler than previous encounter systems. Its biggest improvement is the substitution of a simpler algorithm for deciding responses to the player’s reaction. This is important because it opens a pathway for more artistically inclined (but less technically inclined) contributors to participate in the project. It would also prepare them to participate in storyworld creation after they have mastered the Encounter System.

Fate Encounters

Tinkertoy Text

The Current Encounter Editor