On Sunday, February 1st, 1987, Kathy and I were driving up Sierra Road when we saw Blaise just standing there beside the road, looking as if he were expecting somebody to pick him up. It was an empty area, so he was clearly not residing anywhere nearby. We figured that he must have been dropped off by some callous person, and when we stopped to talk to him, he ran right up to us. So we took him home. He was very affectionate and loved to sit on my lap. He also had a habit of jumping from the ground up to the window ledge of my office (a good five feet) and hanging on desperately while I opened the window and lifted him inside.
There was a nasty drought in 1991 that decimated the population of mice on which the coyotes fed. In desperation, they came to my area and starting killing the cats and the ducks. Blaise was one of their first victims.