Tony Tiger
On July 17th, 2004, Kathy brought home a kitten to foster. She intended to return it to the cat rescue organization when it had grown older but inevitably she fell in love with it and decided to keep it. She named him Tony Tiger. Tony is one of the liveliest and most sociable cats we’ve ever had.

Tony survived intestinal cancer and had diabetes for five years. He just kept on trucking, but on August 27th he didn’t eat much. We kept giving him his usual insulin shot, which put him out of balance because he wasn’t eating much. On Monday morning, August 30th, 2021, he had a diabetic episode. We took him to the emergency vets to euthanize him. On the way, he had several diabetic siezures. The vet said that she could stabilize him with an IV feed. We couldn’t figure out whether this was his death knell or this was a temporary episode. We could never get a straight answer from the vet about the question. Tony did improve somewhat, but by Tuesday, August 31st, it was apparent to the vet that he was not going to recover, so we euthanized him that afternoon. He was 17 years old.