I was trained as a physicist, and I remain interested in many areas of science.
A Mechanical Laser
Rosy-Fingered Dawn
Science a la Mao
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is a Quantum-Mechanical Effect
The Leonid Project -- an index to a number of web pages
An explanation of how science really works
Could Tyrannosaurus Rex run?
Layers of DNA
The Phylogeny of Play
Information is the Essence of the Universe
Men sweat more than women -- that’s important!
Life in the Sun
The Flawed Argument Against “Just So Stories”
Information Physics
A Proposal for Archaeologists
Motivations Versus Results
The World’s First (I think) Hydraulic Laser
The 2015 Perseid Project
Lake Vostok
Aliens just gotta be nice
The Annular Eclipse of May 20th, 2012
A most puzzling photograph
How Technology Advances
The Unlikelihood of Extraterrestrial Technological Societies
Is the Metric the Reality? should we think in terms of things and events instead of space and time?
A Student Astronomy Project
Are Irrational Numbers Possible?
Some Odd Implications of Relativity
Information is the Reality of the Universe
A Demonstration of Earth-based Heating
What is this Rock?
“What is the Gene For…?”
The Connection between Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
A New Physics
An Interesting Phenomenon in a Parking Lot
A Solution to the Fermi Paradox
A Random Note
The Benefits of Catastrophes
Marsh Gas
An Odd Discovery
Tree Rings
8,000 Year Old Wood
Dim Prospects for Life on Mars
Catching Canopus
Why Do Icicles Have Ribs?
Romantic Word Frequencies
Negentropy Accumulation
Is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Alive?
Why Is This Sound Uneven?
Abusing Science for Political Purposes
Eunice Foote Did Not Discover the Greenhouse Effect
Pine Tree Delamination
More on Life In the Sun
We Won’t Colonize Mars
A Rare Observation of StarLink Satellites
A Universe Designed for Life???
Speculations on Cosmology. This is truly wild and crazy
More Nonsense about Colonizing Mars